Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Growth mindset

Last week we were doing Growth Mindset. We all got given a piece of paper to write something on. On that piece of paper, it said to write down strategies to help us get through hard problems. Everybody made them look colourful and pretty. When we were all done it made a big poster that had a brain. Then there were little brains at the bottom. I got one of those. Mine was rainbow. It was fun making them!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


This week we made goals for writing, reading and maths. We had to go through our books and see what we needed to work on. For maths my goal was to round decimals to the nearest whole number. For reading my goal was to make a conclusion or a assumption in a text and for my writing goal it was to add more complex punctuation.

Elephant poster

Last week we got to pick an animal to search its habitat, diet, looks, breeding, endangered to put on a poster. I chose elephants because they are cute and cuddly beautiful animals. People are killing to many elephants for their tusks! Elephants are amazing creatures and we need to look after them.